Monday, July 19, 2010

The Start of Something New

On Sunday we went to Seoul Emmanuel Church. It was amazing to see around 10,000 people worshipping God in Korean, English, and sign language. Yesterday, we started our first official day of training. Our music class was really challenging. We do the vocal excerises on Korean vowels and the music is really diffifult for me. I wish I new how to site read. I'm excited to grow in this area. We had a dance class and conditioning class. The dance class is very basic and will challenge my patience, but really great for me to go back to the basics and work on technique. The teacher is beautiful and is very jazzy, which I love :). For conditioning we had 10exercises that we did for 1 minute each with a partner, 2 times. Acting class was fun. We did cold readings in English. This was very difficult for the Korean's diction and a good challenge for me to get out of my comfort zone. I love the feeling of adrenaline when your nervous. We had training from 1-10 and then met for worship and a short message until 11:30. Didn't get home until 12:30. What a different schedule than America! The day went by fast though. We have a lot of breaks and we get an hour for dinner. There was one group that went out to eat and the rest of us brought our lunches. The Korean's all brough rice and side dishes to share. They eat sooooooo fast. Throughout the day when I would eat a snack they would just grab a bite without asking. I thought one girl was really comfortable with me at first, but after the 4th person did it, I decided it must be part of their culture :). I woke up at again at 5 am ( jet lag!!!!), with really sore muscles, a count of 13 mosquito bites, and ready for a new adventure in Seoul!


  1. heheheh Steph!!! THAT IS DEFINITELY KOREAN CULTURE LOL!!!! ALL ABOUT SHARING FOOD. Korean families as well as mine NEVER order or own food...We order a few dishes and just share everything...
