Thursday, July 15, 2010

Arrival in Seoul

We left LAX at 12:20am Wed Morning and arrived at 5:00 am Thursday in Seoul! Our first day was long! By 10am we had moved into our house, had 2 breakfasts, gone grocery shopping, exchanged money, and were ready for bed....but we pushed on and explored the city. We are living right in the heart of Hongdae. It is the center for entertaiment and there are alot of young people around. We were stopped and asked to chicken fight for some promotion, and of course we did it so we could get the free ice cream. :) There are alot of American chains, but everything has its own Korean flavor. I'm excited to try all of the different foods. For our second breakfast we ate ddeok kalbi and ddeok bok gi. My pronuciation is pretty terrible right now, but my uncle blessed me with Rossetta Stone for my birthday so I'm going to be a pro soon. :) The Korean woman who's house we are staying at has a daughter who will be attending school in Tucson in the fall. I just love how small this world is. We sat and talked about Tucson and Jasmine( my friend from NYC who is in the show) was really able to communicate in Korean. She lived with me for 3 months in NYC and would always watch Korean dramas. I guess I should have paid a little more attention. lol to study the language. Annyong! (Bye!)

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! How's the Rossetta Stone working out for you?
