Sunday, August 15, 2010


We received the first draft of the translated new script, but a lot of changes will need to be made. The casting still hasn’t been completely set, they are still trying to write a couple more songs and make many changes to the script. So, we are doing the best we can and are focusing on helping them with diction right now. I will be in the ensemble and also will be playing one of Potipher’s wife’s rich friends in the Joseph scene (which means I will have a few lines and have to sing a couple measures by myself! Yikes!!!). We started learning one number. The dance isn’t hard, but let me tell you, it is really hard to sing while running around the stage. I need to build up some stamina. I’m having a blast and despite the language barrier, am making a lot of great friends.
God is continuously stretching my faith and teaching me new things here. We were asked to come sing at 7am(which means traveling at 6am) on Saturday for the elders of their church at a meeting. We met them and sang “Give Thanks” in English. Then they asked us to sing it at church on Sunday. The cast decided that it would be cute to have the American’s sing part of it solo in Korean. So with one nights notice and no practice before, we sang it in front of the church and it was telecasted to all their different churches. I was so nervous….my first solo, first time singing in a microphone, in KOREAN. I feel like I understand a little now of how they must feel learning an entire musical in a foreign language. I had fun, however, I didn’t turn on the microphone so when it was my turn to sing a solo and nothing came out, my good friend Sarah quickly held hers up for me. I don’t know what I would do without her. She is my human piano, snack buddy, and encourager. ☺ I was so thankful she was by my side and thankful that God helped me remember the words and not chicken out.
Last night we went out for dinner and met some musicians on the walk home. They were so excited to meet some Americans and a couple of them are planning on coming to New York in the fall to study music. We stayed and watched them play outside in the Square. Many people gathered, storeowners brought out drinks and food for them, and everyone celebrated Korea’s independence day together. At 11:30 at night when it was over they invited us to go out with them, but we were exhausted from the long week and went home. We are going to focus on diction and work on solo’s this week, while we wait for the new script. Please pray for inspiration for the songs and content of the musical. I’m excited to get started, but am trying to be patient and helpful.

Bora Jin, 보라 진
My Korean name, which means violet true.

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