Thursday, August 5, 2010

The World Conference and the official start of The Covenant Journey

The past four days we have been at “The World Remnant Conference”. Our cast performed "One Day More" and "Remant Power" for the opening ceremony for over 10,000 people. During the other days we listened to various messages and attended a big culture festival the last night. I was amazed at the talent, advanced technology, and enthusiasm from everyone. The performance the last night was in a huge stadium and it was suppose to rain, and although it rained everywhere else, God kept the rain away just in our area ☺. It was incredible to hear that many people praising God in so many languages. I also loved their theme song that they sang at the top of their lungs and praised God with their whole body (there was even a hip role in it lol) It went until 10:45 at night. We got home at 12 and had to leave at 8:30 this morning for our first day of rehearsal. We started reading through the script. It’s brand new and the first time they've written one in English. We focused on diction with the script for the first 3 hours, and then worked on diction with 3 of the songs for the rest of our day. One person from the academy is now a manager and another our interpreter….so no one is going home. ☺ Now the Covenant Journey truly begins.

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