Sunday, August 1, 2010

"One Day of Vacation"

Today we went to our normal church service, lunch, and then the youth service. The second service was in Korean with sign language and Japanese translation. We had to put on head phones for the English translation. Then a friend from the cast took us American girls on a tour of Seoul. We went to Jamsildong, Chongnamdong, Apgujong, and a couple other places I can't remember the names. We saw the Olympic Arena, the Manhattan of Seoul with all the fancy shops, the presidents house, old castles, and beautiful scenery. I love all the modern archetecure and cool sculptures. We hiked up to the Namsan Tower. (This outing was not planned and we weren't exactly equiped. None the less, in a dress, and Jasmine in her 4 inch platform shoes) we went up to the top and enjoyed the beautiful view of the city. Our friend took us to some of his favorite spots in Seoul and treated us to a meal of all new foods....the best being the spicy snail soup. :) It was a fun-filled, spontaneous, beautiful Sunday in Seoul.

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